The ratty diet

The most important thing about a rats diet is that its varied. However the main bulk should be either a pellet food or a lab block. These provide the nutrients your rats need but be careful the majority of RAT foods and it needs to be RAT food is often unbalanced. Even more commonly people buy museli for their rats which not only has too much corn but also rats pick out their favorite bits which all leads to an undernourshed rat. it is possible to feed you rat on a homemade diet such as the suebee's diet. however homemade diets are difficult to get right, if you are planning to make you rattie food at home check out some other diets and the RDA general guidelines below:

mg/kg, unless noted otherwise
Human RDA
Homemade Mix
Water (%) 10 10 4.7
Protein (%) 15 10.8 15.7
Fat (%) 5 14 11
Calcium 5000 2170 695
Phosphorous 3000 2170 4286
Sodium 500 5206 3486
Chloride 500 7375  
Potassium 3600 7592 4967
Magnesium 500 868 1221
Iron 35 39 161
Manganese 10 4.34 15
Zinc 12 32.5 39
Copper 5 4.34 6
Iodine 0.15 0.33  
Molybdenum 0.15 0.16  
Selenium 0.15 0.15 0.238
Vitamin A 0.7 3.25 4.84
Vitamin D 0.025 0.022 0.007
Vitamin E 15 65 57.45
Choline 750 1190  
Niacin 15 43.4 63.5
Pantothenic Acid 10 21.7 11.43
Vitamin B-6 6 4.34 6.64
Riboflavin 3 3.69 5.25
Thiamine 4 3.25 6.21
Vitamin K 1 0.17  
Folic Acid 1 0.87 0.86
Biotin 0.2 0.22  
Vitamin B-12 0.05 0.013 0.01
Vitamin C   130 56


Rats can eat almost any food and need fruit and veg around 3 times a week. common treats include:

  • frech and frozen fruit
  • fresh and frozen veg
  • pieces of meat such as chicken
  • bread
  • cooked pasta and rice
  • olive oil (helps prevent dandruff - soak bread of crackers in oil and give once a week)
  • healthy table scraps
  • youghurt
  • special pet treats


Being rodents rats teeth are constantly growing and if they are not provided with 'chew toys' their teeth will over grow and could potentially starve the animal to death, rats can chew on:

  • bones including boiled chicken bones
  • fruit branches
  • cardbord
  • ratty chew toys
  • dog bones/chew toys
  • hard food stuff

dangerous food

There are some foods that a rat can't or shouldn't eat, most can be eaten in small amounts such as oranges which have been known to cause cancer and some that should be avoided completly such as chocolate. Foods you should never give include:

  • raw onion - upsets their stomach
  • blue cheese
  • green potato eyes and skin
  • raw dry beans or peanuts
  • green bananas
  • orange juice - can cause kidney cancer in males
  • wild insects - could carry parasites
  • raw red cabbage and brussel sprouts
  • licorice
  • raw bulk tofu
  • raw artichokes
  • raw sweet potato
  • avacado
  • chocolate
  • carbonated drinks - rats can't burb!
  • alcohol
  • anything with excess sugar or salt

 Rats also need a constant supply of fresh water you can put this in a dish but a water bottle considered better as things aren't kicked into it and it isn't tipped over.

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