The best thing about  rat toys is that they don't need to be the most expensive thing in the pet shop instead it could be a kitchen roll out of the bin.

Homemade toys and games

  • cardboard tubes and boxes are one of the most exciting things for rats - especially if you stuff them with treats and kitchen roll and then close up the ends, your ratty friends will spend hours shredding it, pulling it around and eating it, paper and egg boxes also do the job with paper for the youngsters and egg boxes for the cleverest of rats.
  • pea fishing is also great especially on hot days just fill a bowl with water and peas - the ratty version of apple bobbing!
  • paper - shreading paper is so much fun :)
  • digging box - plant some bird seed in some sterilized soil in a box and water for a few days, when shoots appear give the box to your rats and enjoy
  • PVC piping or fabric, collapsable tubes even old trouser legs
  • ropes
  • branches
  • dog toys
  • hiding places like tissue boxes, plant pots or clean jars
  • hammocks ... the dapper rat site has great instructions on how to make them
  • treats strung up on strings
  • ping pong balls
  • hid and seek with treats
  • ramps
  • a tissue box filled with tissues
  • instead of filling up your rats bed - let him do it himself - just put the bedding the other side of the cage and let him spend all day filling his bed. shreaded toilet roll works best for this
  • a paddling pool - great for hot days
  • meat on bones - your rat will spend ages pulling of the meat perfect if you don't have a dog
  • hand wrestling
  • Bruxing contest
  • Chase - Run your hand, a feather, a shoelace, or whatever you can find across
    the floor and your rat will make chase.

Again the dapper site has great ideas visit them at!

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