Ratty facts

  • Average life span of 2-3 years.
  • Length: body 9-11 inches; tail 7-9 inches.
  • Nocturnal, so will be most active at night.
  • weight -males: 300-580 grams           females: 190-350 grams
  • body temperature :37.5-38.5 degrees
  • breathing rate: 85 - 110 per minute
  • Heart rate: 300-500 per minute
  • ambient temperature:15-21 max. 25 degrees
  • humidity in %: 45-55%
  • water intake per day: 20-30ml
  • Food intake per day: 10-15 grams
  • Males are called bucks, females are does, and babies are pups or kittens.
  • Rats are social so do best if kept with another rat (or group of rats).
  • Rats reach puberty very young - at 6-8 weeks of age. 
  • Females go into heat every 4-5 days (for about 24 hours) and may seem agitated or restless during this time.
  • They are extremly clean, despite their dirty reputation
  • A group of rats is called a meischeif

 Rat tips

  • rats are group animals and need to be kept with other rats
  • take rotting food out of the cage to avoid disease
  • take the time to visit a rat or animal show
  • rats always need fresh water to be avaliable
  • never buy an animal too young
  • never give veg in large quantities - especially lettuce or cabbage
  • give rats a chance to climb, clamber and play
  • avoid in-breeding
  • watch out for insecticides and if in doubt wash fruit and veg thoroughly
  • never buy a rat just to annoy others
  • Draughts, damp, incorrect feeding, cramped quarters and too many animals in too small a cage can all threaten a rats health
  • feed your rat a special RAT food - rabbit or other rodent food isn't good enough
  • use heavy bowls so they don't get tipped over
  • isolate a patient with an infectious disease
  • if you breed you must find good homes for all your young rats
  • never release a rat into the wild - it won't survive
  • never transport a rat in a cardboard box
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