Common signs of illness

here are some signs of illness:


Hair loss, Scratching, Rubbing, Chewing, Swelling, Redness, Scaly, Sores,Dry fur


Diarrhea, Weight loss, Poor appetite, Bloating, Discharge, Lethargy, Infertility, Excessive water consumption, Excessive Urination


Limping, Holding up a paw, Abnormal angles to limbs


Incoordination, Trembling, Seizures, Paralysis, Depression


Discharge from eyes/nose, Wheezing, Labored breathing, Hunched posture, Change in awake/sleep cycle, Increased aggression, Curled position, Rigid standing, Stiff gait, Slow chewing/lack thereof, Drooling

If your rat shown any of these signs you shouold take them to the vet immediately.

 Common illnesses

Here are some of the common illnesses in rats:

  • digestion problems - often caused by feeding the wrong foods, comtaminated food and in the case of constipation lack of excersise. there are two main symptoms, diarrhoea or constipation. Feed boiled rice to a rat with diarrhoea and peaches or plums to a rat with constipation along with regular excersise.
  • overgrown teeth - rats are rodents so their teeth are constantly growing. If the rat is not given chewing oppertunities then their teeth will grow so long sometimes even into the opposite jaw meaning the animal can no longer eat and it will starve to death. Check your rats teeth if you notice any dribbiling take your rat to the vets. prevent any problems by checking his teeth and providng chewing oppertunities. check out the 'what we eat' section for chewing ideas.
  • breathing problems - often caused by incorrect housing as their cage stands in a draught or their bedding has too much dust. breathing problems include colds and pneumonia, symptoms include rattling and spluttered breathing, eyes are wet and the animal is apthetic. a rat with these symptoms should be treated with antibiotics as soon as possible
  • injuries - injuries caused by other rats are rare unless there are too many in a small cage. However accidents such as falls, getting trampled or stuck in a door are far too common. any wounds should be taken to the vet to be stitched and cleaned or splinted if anything is broken. You should keep an injured rat on paper to stop any dust getting in the wounds. 
  • skin conditions - many skin conditions such as eczema, rashes, bald sports and hair loss are caused by parasites and are common occurances in rats. hormone problems, the wrong food, too little excersise and mould can also lead to skin conditions. skin conditions deserve a visit to a vet, especially if your rat is feed a varied diet.
  • tumors - mainly older animals suffer from tumors. Tumors are swellings that could be benevolent or malignant.they are largely genatic  but could have some links to grass pellets. males suffer around the hip and groin while females suffer around the teats.
  • parasites - parasite (tiny organisims that live at the expense of the host) can be internal (worms that live in the hosts stomach/intestines) or external (infest skin or skin recesses such as ears, hips and groin) you can detect both sorts. internal parasites show up as white strings in the droppings and can be treated by your vet. External parasites such as fleas, lice, tics or mites  feed on blood and can be treated with good hygiene or if neccersary a trip to the vet.
  • behaviour problems - these problems often come from boredom or inbreeding and include obsessive washing, constant gnawing at cage bars, and running around in circles. the only solution is to entertain you rat by improving his cage. But don't breed from effected rats.
  • sunstroke - This is caused by the rat getting too hot. signs include laying klat on the ground, huffing and puffing, and increased heart and breathing rate. You can prevent it by keeping the rat out of direct sunlight. The real danger is if the rat collapses and becomes unconscious if this happens wrap him in a wet towel and put it in a quiet room to  wait for it to come around.
  • deficiency ailments - these are caused by an unbalanced diet. like any animal rats need the right amount of calories, nutrients, vitimans and minerals. So a rat with a complete, varied diet should avoid any of these problems, check out the 'what we eat' page for more information.


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